Monday, February 2, 2009

It's my birthday

It's my birthday today.
I was very elated when my old friend and now roommate, Fahmi wishes me a happy birthday as we sat having dinner after a long day at work. I was really tired when he suddenly asks "So, Along. Where do we celebrate your birthday tomorrow?"
I was puzzled as I didn't know how to answer his seemingly easy to answer question. This is because I have never initiated to celebrate my own birthday ever. I simply don't have the urge to actually really celebrate my birthday. After all, I am not getting any younger. In fact, I am getting older. Much to my dismay of course. I get even more scared to be older now. Being older means you are going to have more responsibilities. I don't like responsibilities. I like a carefree life. So, I told Fahmi that "I never thought of celebrating my birthday ever Fahmi. Do you?"
He replied, "Of course! I make it a point each year to celebrate my birthday. With friends of course. If I'm alone....then I will celebrate it with just me!"
How interesting, I thought.
-- -- --
My father called me when I was in class this morning.
I just had to answer his call.
I said, "I'm sorry, I'm in class."
Even before he could say "Congratulations on your birthday, Izan."
It breaks my heart to put the phone down as I haven't been able to had a decent conversation with my father for months now. We are of course on good terms. It is just that my relationship with my father is a unique one. I know that he loves me. I think he knows that I love him. But we just never said it to each other. I find it awkward to confess to your father that you love him. You see, my father is a very nice man. Charming even. But it never occurs to me that it's okay to say, "Abah, I love you. I am proud to be your son."
We never had that kind of relationship. But we are on good terms.
So, right after class, after I had my breakfast, I dialled his number. He picked up only after a few long rings -- which was uncomfortable to me.
We talked for about ten minutes. Mainly regarding family and my owning a car.
I told him that I am still accumulating money for the downpayment. He understands.
We parted simply by saying the salam with each other. And that is perfectly normal.
-- -- --
I just don't know how to celebrate my birthday just like what Jason Mraz said in his beautiful song called Mr Curiousity -- "It's my birthday and I cannot find no cause for clebration".
-- To be continued. I have class now.

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