Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Meaning of Life

Well, the meaning of life to me (only a fraction of it) because life is too complicated to have just one definition to it. This is the poem I wrote for my Creative Writing Course while I was doing my Bachelor's Degree in TESL in Shah Alam.
Life Is…

Life is…
A cup of black coffee
That is bitter until you put sugar into it,
Or you can call the waiter
To bring you the creamer,
Making your coffee taste better.

Life is…
A frail but eager rosebud.
It may flourish the next morning,
If only it can withstand the night’s storm.

Life is…
A journey that is uncertain.
Sometimes we just can’t tell where we will be.
Sometimes we can be so convinced,
With careful planning that is.

Life is…
Like a bottle of perfume
Filled with an infusion of scents,
That has the power to evoke memories.
Makes us reminisce the past or worrying about the future.

Life in Poetry

Recently, before the mid-semester break, I instructed my BEL130 students to reflect on their life. I asked them how they feel about life. I received a few interesting answers. I would love to share one poem which was written by Hilmy. It is quite a deep poem with a few underlying meanings. It is beautiful too. I especially like the title (because i came up with it, hahaha). So here goes:

Life is a Poem Written by God

Life is a beautiful poem written by God
It’s so poetic and deep
Only those with the perceptive eyes can see
Or those with vigilant ears can listen
Or those with delicate fingers can touch

As we continue to read between the lines
We will eventually understand
That life is what we are destined to be
A Saint or a Satan that we choose to be
It is entirely up to thee

Dwelling with Macbeth or Adam and Eve

God did not create us for nothing
So there must be something
For us to keep on searching
And keep on looking
Whether to seek
His wrath or blessing

Life isn’t supposed to be frantic,
Neither that it should be sarcastic
Although it can sometimes be erratic
But it certainly is not pathetic

Life is not all about
Fame, female, fortune,
Life is all about things which are
Viable, vibrant and virtuous

We shouldn’t take life for granted
Just because we want to live life as our hearts desired
To live life as God intended
Is to understand that
Not everything is always all about life
It’s what life is all about.

What counts is not during life,
It is the life after life that counts.

Happy Birthday...

I would like to wish a happy birthday to Syed Yayha Almahdaly and Syed Yunus Almahdaly.
I wish Allah will bless you more throughout this year.
I wish that you are more focus in your studies.
I wish you all the best for your SPM next year.
I wish you all the best of luck in life.

Monday, August 11, 2008

My Trip To Langkawi...

Last June, I had the most wonderful opportunity to spend 5 days in Langkawi.
It was my first time there.
I was invited by my best friend, Ard to visit him as he is currently working in one of the 5-star resorts there.
I was in JB prior to my trip to Langkawi. I was there spending my time with my beloved grandmother. We didn't do much. Just keeping each other company. That's all. So, I was sent to the Larkin bus station by my uncle and my grandmother on the moring of June 19th 2008. My bus from JB to Kl took approximately 5 hours. I was nervous a bit as I was afraid that I might miss the flight.

I reached Puduraya and took a taxi to KL Sentral upon arrival. As soon as I reached KL Sentral, my main objective was to fill in my already grumbling stomach. So, I rushed to the nearest McDonald's. That's done, I went loitering at one of the bookstores in KL Sentral (The Nile, I think). Flipped through a few magazines and left.

I bought the ERL Express ticket to KLIA. It was an easy process. Then, I checked-in at the virtual airport and boarded the train to KLIA. It was boring. I don't like the idea of travelling alone. I had no one to talk to. I had no one to entertain me taking pictures. So...

So I hopped on MH1450 from KLIA to Langkawi on the 19th of June at 1710 hours and reached the beautiful island of Langkawi at 1805. It was a very interesting flight since there were a few turbulences as we were reaching Langkawi. I was not as scared as my first experience with a turbulence. My first experience of a turbulence was when I was inflight from Bayan Lepas to Sultan Abdul Samad, Kuala Terengganu last April. 11th of April to be exact. As it was a small aircraft, it was a Fokker (Firefly), even the slightest turbulence was felt by all passengers on board.

Back to Langkawi. Upon arrival in Langkawi, I was being received by my best friend, Ard. We didn't spend much time at the airport. So, off we went to his place in his brand new Toyota Vios. Thus, my journey in Langkawi begins.

I liked it there in Langkawi. It's a quiet town. It's also a beautiful town.
Thanks to my best friend, Ard, I get the chance to visit some if not all of the interesting places. The land of the burnt rice or Beras Terbakar is merely a village. I didnt get the chance to really see the burnt rice. But according to Ard, you have to do some serious digging to get to the layer of the soil that contains the burnt rice. I vow to myself that I would definitely dig some soil next time I set foot on the legendary island of Langkawi.
The ride up to Gunung Machinchang was a breath-taking experience. Although we spent the whole time chatting, I still managed to get a glimpse of what the land looks like from above. I have always loved flying. So, I could relate the journey up the mountain on the cable car as flying. It was totally interesting. The journey uphill was made more interesting as the cable car stopped twice. I panicked a little when it stopped for the first time. My friend, Ard told me that the reason for the system to stop is the system notices some instability caused by people moving around in other cable cars. I must mention that I am sentimental, too. That's why even the journey in a cable car can be considered as breath-taking.
As soon as we reached the second station, we get out from our cable car. Ard and I decided to hike down to the suspension bridge. a way, I can say that we also managed to hike down-hill and up-hill the mount of Machinchang. It was quite an experience to the both of us. You need to be at least average physically-fit to really enjoy the experience. Otherwise, you'll just end up feeling exhausted and gasping for air all the time that you are hiking. Hehehe.
When I was up there, it reminded me of the movie Puteri Gunung Ledang. I now understand why the princess had decided to stay on top of Mount Ledang. The air is fresh up there in Gunung Machincang. The view is to die for. The surrounding is so peaceful. The sunrise and sunset is magical -- it's not that I witnessed any of that while I was there...but I am sure everything is just beautiful.
While I was on top of Gunung Machincang, I observed two eagles soaring in the sky. They were magnificent. They were huge too. I'd say that their wing span could be at least a metre. But then again, I too felt lonely up there. Because of the complete serenity, I guess.
Enough about my trip to Gunung Machincang. While I was vacationing in Langkawi, I also had the opportunity to snorkel. This time, it is a new experience. When I was in Pangkor, we were taken to the shore before we start snorkelling. But, in Langkawi, we arrived at a dock which is located almost in the middle of the ocean. So, you can imagine that our starting point to snorkel was actually deep. I learned about it the hard way! After putting on the snorkelling-gear, I immediately and excitedly go to the end of the dock to start snorkelling. I was cnfident that I will be safe. I had the safety-jacket for God's sake. So I went into the water just like that. I did practiced my breathing of-course. As soon as I hit the water, I noticed straight away that the bottom of the sea is at least 2-metre deep. I panicked. Seawater got into my breathing-pipe and I swallowed quite a bit. It was not fun at all. Then, I started to paddle wishing that I could reach the dock. That proved to be too difficult, so I decided to float there, and perfect my breathing technique -- since I was breathing like mad. It took me at least a good ten minute before I started to paddle to the shore to meet my friend, Ard -- who was already enjoying the view of the fishes and also feeding them biscuits that I brought.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Truly Auspicious Date

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all.

Believe it or not, as of this moment, it is 08/08/08 today in Malaysia.
It is a truly auspicious date especially according to the Chinese.
I think I must mention this since the date is so appropriate.
-- Today is also my friend's (Ridz) birthday. So happy birthday to you Ridz.

I had my BEL120 class with my Civil Engineering part 1 today.
We had a debate practice.
The motion was: "This House Believes That Malaysia Can Survive Without Immigrant Workers."
The government's team was represented by Ain (Prime Minister), Rafiq (Deputy Prime Minister) and Wan Abdul Aziz (Government's Whip).
On the other hand, the opposition team was represented by Mira (Opposition Leader), Fikri (Deputy Opposition Leader) and Fathi (Opposition's Whip).

I must tell you that I am proud of them all for being able to handle the pressure of having to debate well. They understand the rules and regulations and also the flow of the debate. Bear in mind that these students have never been involved in any debate tournaments.

This was not our first. In fact, we had the pleasure of having two debates prior to today's debate. The motion for our first debate together was "Men are Better than Women" and the second one was "Humans are Better than Robots". As for the verdict, both debates end up with the jury accepting the motions.

Back to today's debate. I must applaud my students for their effort for today's debate. They had really done their homework. Especially to Fathi, who has managed to come up with interesting facts and figures which he derived from the trusty Internet.

Since, the motion is a bit more serious compared to the previous two, I decided to intervene into their last minute preparation. They were very receptive and willing to take my humble advice.

The debate went well, with me as the Chairman of the House and Balqis as the timekeeper. We also had 7 jury: Hana, Ika, Hazim, Aizat, and a few others who I forgot. Sorry. So, the jury has decided that the motion is accepted. So, the government's team won the debate. The best speaker is Wan Abdul Aziz.

We are going to have another debate next week. It will be held next Friday. The motion is yet to be informed.

Friday, August 1, 2008

I am so ashamed!!!

Hi to all again.
Yes. This is my second entry.
It is because I did a mistake on the title of my first entry.
It was supposed to be "My Debut" not DEBUTE.
I know... being an English lecturer and all...I shouldn't have made the mistake.
I felt silly.
-- -- --
I felt silly again when I pointed out to En. Farid, the lab technician for APB that my name didn't appear in the Lab Schedule. When in actual fact, my name was there. I was so embarrased. I didnt check the schedule thouroughly.

I wanted to bring my students to the Language Lab because there I can use the technology to enhance my teaching. I prefer to use the LCD projector to beam the notes for my students to copy.
-- -- --
I am not ready to lauch this blog officially. So far, this blog is my secret. However as I was typing this entry, Pn. Farina which is also a colleague of mine managed to take a peek at my blog's name. She said she was going to google the blog. I pleaded to her that she only visit my blog next week as I still have many things to settle. My blog is too barren. It's kinda too simplistic. Which is not me at all. I tend to like things which are well-organized even though I sometime can be a very good at being unorganized.