Friday, August 1, 2008

I am so ashamed!!!

Hi to all again.
Yes. This is my second entry.
It is because I did a mistake on the title of my first entry.
It was supposed to be "My Debut" not DEBUTE.
I know... being an English lecturer and all...I shouldn't have made the mistake.
I felt silly.
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I felt silly again when I pointed out to En. Farid, the lab technician for APB that my name didn't appear in the Lab Schedule. When in actual fact, my name was there. I was so embarrased. I didnt check the schedule thouroughly.

I wanted to bring my students to the Language Lab because there I can use the technology to enhance my teaching. I prefer to use the LCD projector to beam the notes for my students to copy.
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I am not ready to lauch this blog officially. So far, this blog is my secret. However as I was typing this entry, Pn. Farina which is also a colleague of mine managed to take a peek at my blog's name. She said she was going to google the blog. I pleaded to her that she only visit my blog next week as I still have many things to settle. My blog is too barren. It's kinda too simplistic. Which is not me at all. I tend to like things which are well-organized even though I sometime can be a very good at being unorganized.

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