Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Brilliant Movie Based on a Brilliant Novel

Mitch Albom's For One More Day

Last night, while having dinner in front of the telly, I was torn whether to watch Majalah 3 or Mitch Albom's For One More Day. Majalah 3 was presenting Air Asia X's new fleet of Airbus 330-300 on TV3. Simultaneously, The Hallmark Channel CH702 on ASTRO was showing an Oprah Winfrey presentation called For One More Day. I had a dilemma because I have always been fascinated by the aviation industry.

So, initially I decided to watch Majalah 3 since I reason myself that The Hallmark Channel might do a re-run for that movie. However, after a few channel flips, I decided to just watch "For One More Day".

At first, I thought the movie boring. But as soon as I managed to catch the plot, the movie started to become more interesting. I really like the way the plots unfold. I especially like a line said by the mother when she reveals the real deal between her and her husband -- that he married an Italian woman whom he has a son with before he returns to America. In that scene, she said, "Children should never choose". It was so noble of her to say so. The fact that her son has been treating her badly because he understood that his parents' divorced was caused by his mother.

Another line which I found interesting is when the mother said, "A son never loses his mother. She is like an echo. And when can we hear an echo? When it's quiet," right before she vanishes.


Izuan said...

sounds good, i'll catch it on ASTRO

borutojisan said...

Never seen the movie....most probably never going to....:D